Environment & Urbanization

World leading environmental and urban studies journal

Urbanization: Its Global Trends, Economics and Governance


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THE CENTRAL THEME of the book is the problem of governance of urbanization, the decisions different players will face in governing this development, and the role of markets and government policies. In addition to the economics and global trends of urbanization and related government issues, topics include the development of urban infrastructure, the changing social and economic conditions in cities, international cooperation and new strategies to improve the urban environment.

The book highlights the importance that governance will play for policy makers in the coming decades and draws attention to several policy dilemmas that the growth of mega-cities and other urban agglomerations raise. These include the respective (and often complementary) roles in urban development of government, households, the private sector and community organizations; urban land reform; and the extent of public investment in the urban as opposed to the rural sector.

The chapters are presented in four parts. Part I, on The Economics of Urbanization, includes an introduction and a discussion on "a positive economics view to urbanization”. Governance of Urbanization (Part II) includes a chapter on local economic development as part of (local) government responsibility, a chapter on the need for urban policy change in Latin America, and a chapter on the relationship between urbanization and rural industrialization in China. Part III, on Housing Policy at Cross Roads, includes an analysis of appropriate government housing policies in market economies in China, a chapter examining the meaning of the "enabling concept” and a chapter on informal and formal housing construction in Turkey. Part IV, on The Role of Construction Activity, covers topics on the construction industry, the institutional supply-side aspects of the construction industry, and improvements in urban water supply and sanitation.

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Published by and available from VATT (Government Institute for Economic Research), POB 269, 00531 Helsinki, Finland.

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