Below are links to papers that are the most cited and among the most popular downloads from Environment and Urbanization; the full text of nearly all of these can be freely accessed through the online edition at
Most cited
All the papers below have over 380 citations in publications included in Google Scholar; the paper on ecological footprints by William Rees has more than 2,300 citations in Google Scholar.
Allen, Adriana (2003), Environmental planning and management of the peri-urban interface: perspectives on an emerging field
Appadurai, Arjun (2001), Deep democracy: urban governmentality and the horizon of politics
Budds, Jessica and Gordon McGranahan (2003), Are the debates on water privatisation missing the point? Experiences from Africa, Asia and Latin America
Chambers, Robert (1995), Poverty and livelihoods: whose reality counts?
Dodman, David (2009), Blaming cities for climate change? An analysis of urban greenhouse gas emissions inventories
McGranahan, Gordon, Deborah Balk and Bridget Anderson (2007), The rising tide: assessing the risks of climate change and human settlements in low elevation coastal zones
Rees, William E (1992), Ecological footprints and appropriated carrying capacity: what urban economics leaves out
Sassen, Saskia (2002), Locating cities on global circuits
Satterthwaite, David (2008), Cities’ contribution to global warming: notes on the allocation of greenhouse gas emissions
Tacoli, Cecilia (1998), Rural-urban interactions: a guide to the literature
Wratten, Ellen (1995), Conceptualizing urban poverty
Most cited on Asia
The following are the most cited papers on Asia other than those listed under "Most cited papers". All have at least 130 citations in Google Scholar.
Alam, Mozaharul and M D Golam Rabbani (2007), Vulnerabilities and responses to climate change for Dhaka
Most cited on Africa
The following are the most cited papers on Africa other than those listed under "Most cited papers". All have at least 130 citations in Google Scholar.
Most cited on Latin America
The following are the most cited papers on Latin America other than those listed under "Most cited papers". All have at least 130 citations in Google Scholar.
Hardoy, Jorgelina and Gustavo Pandiella (2009), Urban poverty and vulnerability to climate change in Latin America
Most popular downloads
These papers have had more than 19,000 full text downloads each.
Budds, Jessica and Gordon McGranahan (2003), Are the debates on water privatization missing the point? Experiences from Africa, Asia and Latin America
Chambers, Robert (1995), Poverty and livelihoods: whose reality counts?
Kelly, Philip F (1998), The politics of urban–rural relations: land use conversion in the Philippines
Kenworthy, Jeffrey R (2006), The eco-city: ten key transport and planning dimensions for sustainable city development
Knoflacher, Hermann (2006), A new way to organize parking: the way to a successful sustainable transport system for the future
McGranahan, Gordon, Deborah Balk and Bridget Anderson (2007), The rising tide: assessing the risks of climate change and human settlements in low elevation coastal zones
Newman, Peter (1996), Reducing automobile dependence
Newman, Peter (2006), The environmental impact of cities
Rees, William E (1992), Ecological footprints and appropriated carrying capacity: what urban economics leaves out
Wratten, Ellen (1995), Conceptualizing urban poverty
Most downloaded on climate change
These are the most downloaded papers on climate change other than those listed under “Most downloaded papers”. They have had more than 10,000 full text downloads each.
Alam, Mozaharul and M D Golam Rabbani (2007), Vulnerabilities and responses to climate change for Dhaka
de Sherbinin, Alex, Andrew Schiller and Alex Pulsipher (2007), The vulnerability of global cities to climate hazards
Most downloaded on housing and land
These are the most downloaded papers on housing and land other than those listed under “Most downloaded papers”. They have had more than 8,000 full text downloads each.
Burra, Sundar (2005), Towards a pro-poor framework for slum upgrading in Mumbai, India
Most downloaded on youth
These are the most downloaded papers on children and young people other than those listed under “Most downloaded papers”. They have had more than 9,000 full text downloads each.
Most downloaded on water, sanitation and waste
These are the most downloaded papers on water, sanitation and waste other than those listed under “Most downloaded papers”. They have had more than 7,000 full text downloads each.
Allen, Adriana, Julio D Dávila and Pascale Hofmann (2006), The peri-urban water poor: citizens or consumers?
Burra, Sundar, Sheela Patel and Thomas Kerr (2003), Community-designed, built and managed toilet blocks in Indian cities
Chaplin, Susan E (1999), Cities, sewers and poverty: India's politics of sanitation
Hanchett, Suzanne, Shireen Akhter, Mohidul Hoque Khan, Stephen Mezulianik and Vicky Blagbrough (2003), Water, sanitation and hygiene in Bangladeshi slums: an evaluation of the WaterAid– Bangladesh urban programme
Muller, Mike (2007), Adapting to climate change: water management for urban resilience
Ogu, Vincent Ifeanyi (2000), Private sector participation and municipal waste management in Benin City, Nigeria
Parkinson, Jonathan (2003), Drainage and stormwater management strategies for low-income urban communities
Satterthwaite, David, Diana Mitlin and Sheridan Bartlett (2015), Is it possible to reach low-income urban dwellers with good-quality sanitation?
These are the most downloaded papers on urban agriculture other than those listed under “Most downloaded papers”. They have had more than 6,700 full text downloads each.
Ezedinma, Chuma and Comfort Chukuezi (1999), A comparative analysis of urban agricultural enterprises in Lagos and Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Most downloaded on health
These are the most downloaded papers on health other than those listed under “Most downloaded papers”. They have had more than 6,800 full text downloads each.
Jacobi, Pedro, Denise Baena Segura and Marianne Kjellén (1999), Governmental responses to air pollution: summary of a study of the implementation of rodízio in São Paulo
Kenzer, Marina (1999), Healthy cities: a guide to the literature
Kjellstrom, Tord and Susan Mercado (2008), Towards action on social determinants for health equity in urban settings
Sverdlik, Alice (2011), Ill-health and poverty: a literature review on health in informal settlements
Most downloaded on rural-urban linkages
These are the most downloaded papers on rural-urban linkages, including migration, other than those listed under “Most downloaded papers”. They have had more than 7,400 full text downloads each.
Afsar, Rita (1999), Rural-urban dichotomy and convergence: emerging realities in Bangladesh
Chant, Sylvia (1998), Households, gender and rural-urban migration: reflections on linkages and considerations for policy
Smit, Warren (1998), The rural linkages of urban households in Durban, South Africa
Tacoli, Cecilia (1998), Rural-urban interactions: a guide to the literature
Tacoli, Cecilia (2003), The links between urban and rural development
Tacoli, Cecilia (2009), Crisis or adaptation? Migration and climate change in a context of high mobility
Most downloaded on poverty and exclusion
These are the most downloaded papers on urban poverty and exclusion other than those listed under “Most downloaded papers”. They have had more than 6,000 full text downloads each.
Alder, Graham (1995), Tackling poverty in Nairobi's informal settlements: developing an institutional strategy
Amis, Philip (2000), Urban economic growth, infrastructure and poverty in India: lessons from Visakhapatnam
Anzorena, Jorge et al. (1998), Reducing urban poverty; some lessons from experience
Beall, Jo (2002), Globalization and social exclusion in cities: framing the debate with lessons from Africa and Asia
Bhan, Gautam (2009), “This is no longer the city I once knew”. Evictions, the urban poor and the right to the city in millennial Delhi
Christian M Rogerson (1996), Urban poverty and the informal economy in South Africa’s economic heartland
Escobar Latapí, Agustín and Mercedes González de la Rocha (1995), Crisis, restructuring and urban poverty in Mexico
Hardoy, Jorgelina and Gustavo Pandiella (2009), Urban poverty and vulnerability to climate change in Latin America
Henry-Lee, Aldrie (2005), The nature of poverty in the garrison constituencies in Jamaica
Mitlin, Diana (2001), Civil society and urban poverty - examining complexity
Satterthwaite, David (2003), The Millennium Development Goals and urban poverty reduction: great expectations and nonsense statistics
Swaminathan, Madhura (1995), Aspects of urban poverty in Bombay
These are the most downloaded papers on urban violence and insecurity other than those listed under “Most downloaded papers”. They have had more than 6,000 full text downloads each.
Hartmann, Betsy (1998), Population, environment and security: a new trinity
Most downloaded on planning and governance
These are the most downloaded papers on urban planning and governance other than those listed under “Most downloaded papers”. They have had more than 7,000 full text downloads each.
Most tweeted
(Including those by Nobel laureates, government ministers and presidents)
García Márquez, Gabriel (1993), The river of our life
Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio, Cassiana Rosa de Castro, Sueli de Fátima Machado, Alveci Oliveira de Orato Santos, Luiz Tarcísio Teixeira Ferreira, Paulo Teixeira, Marta Suplicy and Olívio Dutra (2003), The Programme for Land Tenure Legalization on Public Land in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Sisulu, Lindiwe (2006), Partnerships between government and slum/shack dwellers’ federations
Rabinovitch, Jonas (1992), Curitiba: towards sustainable urban development
Yapi-Diahou, Alphonse (1995), The informal housing sector in the metropolis of Abidjan, Ivory Coast
NGO Profile (1995), Orangi Pilot Project
(NB An expanded and much updated profile of the Orangi Pilot Project’s work by Arif Hasan was published in Environment and Urbanization, Vol 18, No 2, pages 451–480)