Environment & Urbanization

World leading environmental and urban studies journal

Contact and feedback

Contact us

For a sample copy and more information, please contact the Editors:

David Satterthwaite (Editor)
Christine Ro (Managing Editor)

Full Address:
Human Settlements Group
235 High Holborn
London, WC1V 7DN, UK

Tel:  (44) 20 3463 7399
Email: eandu@iied.org

Contact the editorial or the advisory board

Free subscriptions: Teaching and training institutions and NGOs in low- and middle-income nations can receive the printed edition of the journal free of charge. The full text of all issues published (from Vol 1, No 1 in 1989) are on the web and accessible free of charge, except for the four most recent issues.

The publisher of Environment and Urbanization, SAGE Publications, offers large discounts on subscription prices to charities and students and to all subscribers from low- and middle-income nations; see http://eau.sagepub.com/ and click on subscribe. In regard to getting access to the journal electronically, there are schemes for this covering most African nations; see Research4Life (http://www.research4life.org/).  This includes Online Access to Research on the Environment (OARE) which has research journals on the environment including Environment and Urbanization (http://www.oaresciences.org/en/).