Environment & Urbanization

World leading environmental and urban studies journal

Protect, adapt or relocate? Responding to climate change in coastal Indonesia

Safrinal Sofaniadi, Rusmadi, Aniessa Delima Sari

Asian Cities Climate Resilience Working Paper Series 14


On the coast of Java, Semarang City faces a multitude of climate-related problems including sea-level rise, flash and tidal floods, subsidence and coastal erosion. Drawing on four case-study villages, this paper explores how households are coping with the impacts of climate change. How do they decide whether to protect, adapt or relocate their property to areas less at risk, and what are the costs? Understanding household risk assessments and decision-making processes should allow government policies to reduce vulnerability and support local adaptation strategies. By bringing together all stakeholders, an urban climate governance approach should ensure a more resilient city.


Available at http://pubs.iied.org/10723IIED.html?c=urban

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