Environment & Urbanization

World leading environmental and urban studies journal

Planning for affordable housing during densification in Kathmandu: Lessons from four settlements

Amit Bajracharya, Pragya Pradhan, Poonam Amatya,Bhagawat Bhakta Khokhali, Sabina Shrestha, Arif Hasan

International Institute for Environment and Development



This working paper was in press when a devastating earthquake struck Kathmandu on the 26th of April 2015, and then a second struck on the 12th of May. The current priority is recovery. The authors of this paper are now busy conducting post-earthquake building assessments and providing low-cost house design and construction supervision for people building transit homes. Going forward, much more will need to be done to provide better housing for the residents of Kathmandu, and to reduce the risks they face from future earthquakes and other environmental hazards. This is also a daunting task that will need to be faced with courage.

Kathmandu faces serious urban planning and housing challenges. Most development is occurring beyond the legal limits of zoning bylaws and building regulations in response to housing shortages. As settlements densify haphazardly, affordable housing options are increasing, but living conditions, services and crowding are worsening. The potential consequences for low-income residents are disastrous given the danger of an imminent earthquake. This paper examines four types of settlements in Kathmandu to understand the impacts of densification. It then presents conceptual reimaginings of these settlements to apply the lessons for planning affordable housing in densifying settlements without compromising unduly on safety and liveability.

The paper takes a broad look at the challenges posed by Kathmandu’s rapid population growth and densification. It extends its focus to the poorest and most vulnerable residents, and seeks out ways of addressing the shortfall in affordable housing while reducing risk and building resilience. Hopefully this will contribute to a safer and more liveable Kathmandu in the future.


Available at http://pubs.iied.org/10739IIED.html


Further reading:

Hasan, Arif (2012), “The Redesigning of Saiban City, Lahore”, 17 pages, International Institute for Environment and Development, London, available at http://pubs.iied.org/G03488.html?c=urban.

Patel, S B (2011), “Analyzing urban layouts – can high density be achieved with good living conditions?”, Environment and Urbanization Vol 23, No 2, pages 583–595, available at http://eau.sagepub.com/content/23/2/583.abstract.

Tanaka, M (2009), “From confrontation to collaboration: a decade of work in the squatters’ movement in Nepal”, Environment and Urbanization Vol 21, No 1, pages 143–159, available at http://eau.sagepub.com/content/21/1/143.abstract.



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