Environment & Urbanization

World leading environmental and urban studies journal

Planet Dialectics: Explorations in Environment and Development


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Zed Books

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THIS BOOK IS a collection of essays written by the author over a span of ten years, some of which were previously published elsewhere. The central argument is that the Western development model is at odds with both social justice and environmental concerns. Sustainability, which comprises both ecological and social equity and is essentially about global citizenship, may be incompatible with the prevailing market-based orthodoxy. It will not be possible for all citizens of the world to share in this fossil fuel-based and money-driven development model. The implication is that this model must be left behind, and be replaced by sophisticated but moderate-impact technologies and by a more general change in values which emphasise ways of living that are “simple in means, but rich in ends”. The book is divided in four parts. The first section traces the origins of the concept of “development” and the political aspects of dividing the world in “developed” and “undeveloped” countries. Part two takes a closer look at the notion of “sustainable development” and at its central issue: can we protect the environment and at the same time maintain competition and economic growth? Part three develops these ideas further by unpacking the liberal aim of creating a homogenous world civilisation. The section describes the emergence of multinationals and of a global consumer class under current globalisation trends, and opposes it to national and local pluralities of cultures and civilisations, which are more likely to keep economic growth within limits. Part four concludes by presenting ideas and proposals on how to move forward. A central concept is that to achieve social justice it is necessary to change the rich, not the poor. This contrasts with prevailing ideas about development, which generally seek to change lifestyles and economies in the South rather than in the North. The two main paths for a transition towards a post-fuel society are resource-light technologies and new models of wealth.

Available from: 
Published by and available from Zed Books, 7 Cynthia Street, London N1 9JF, UK and in the US from St Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10010. Price US$ 25.

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