Architecture: Past, Present and Future

Architecture is a unique blend of technical, artistic, economic and socio-cultural developments. Spanning both art and science, it is closely linked with urbanism, ecology, microclimate, environment, natural resources, water, energy and public health. In the words of RIBA Gold Medallist and Pritzker Award winner B V Doshi, “we cannot look at architecture as merely a product because it is not what one calls a passive space, form or structure. Architecture is an extension of our body. It’s not outside of me, it is a part of me and we live within it. When you think it is part of yourself then the questions are the food you eat, the life you live, the people you meet and the world in which we live. It is an understanding of culture, aesthetics, climate and space”.
This book provides a comprehensive understanding of the evolution and concepts of architecture, which include green building, climatology, building resources, parametric and morphotectonics and infrastructure services. Written in simple language and with more than 300 illustrations, the book provides an interesting panorama of the past, present and future.
Book note prepared by JDS Sodhi.
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