Environment & Urbanization

World leading environmental and urban studies journal

Urban Transport, Environment and Equity: the case for developing countries

Eduardo A.

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Earthscan Publications

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THIS BOOK BEGINS by outlining major concerns about transport planning in the South, particularly with regard to accessibility, the supply of public transport, accidents, discomfort, pollution and congestion. The author suggests that additional problems are caused by rapid urban growth which, in many cases, has not been planned for, and by the use of approaches to transport that originate in the North in very different social and economic circumstances. The author argues that this has resulted in the growing dominance of the automobile at the expense of public transport. He suggests that many planners and transport specialists show little concern with this reality, seeing it simply as an outcome of the market and consumer choices. However, he also argues for an alternative explanation of current conditions, and for alternative transport solutions that better secure social and environmental objectives.

The book is divided into three major parts along with an introduction and conclusion. Part II summarizes the current situation with regard to transport in the South. Part III, the longest, is divided into 13 chapters and considers a number of specific aspects, including explanations of current performance, a discussion of alternative forms of transport and the exploration of transport-related problems. Part IV moves forward to consider new policies, proposals and principles. In Parts IV and V, the author stresses the importance of pro-poor transport policies with subsidized provision as necessary.

The author is Brazilian and much of the text uses Brazilian examples to illustrate the points. However, the discussion also draws on examples from a wide range of Southern countries in order to compare and contrast experience, and presents a succinct overview. The argument is wide-ranging, drawing on political and social theory to explain transport outcomes in an holistic fashion. The text offers an introduction to the theory of transport planning that may well be of interest to a wide audience.

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